In Samara, they have become fashionable and multiplied, like flies before the eyes of hypertension, command intellectuals, which pass by the calm surroundings of all kinds of mussels. Barni quiz in Samara: where to drink, how to take the fate, how many friends take with you, and what is it about Oleksandr Druz?

I walk on weekdays and follow one simple principle. Drink up to the warehouse of participants, you need to take a small team of the same thinkers, come up with a name for the group, join the group before the group social framing"Vkontakty" and take part. For a few days before the skin news, the organizers will get rid of the re-structure of the teams.

Recording (from the meaning of the exact number of participants!) Є We will be flexible, because at all the pledges may not be able to clean tables, plus the organizers need to prepare fashionable signs with the names of the teams, to put enough style on the blanks with no words

Sens gris are made before the offensive: the leading reading of food, the team members, having enjoyed themselves warmly, rob the optimal views, write them down at the letterhead and create them for organizers for the child. For the skin, the ball is correct.

The team, yak scored the most number of points, extinguished in their hands and want a little gift - a book, malts, a champagne dance, a barrel of beer, like to spare. The other and the third may have a difference.

Before the hour, the participants can get some drinks (paid okremo for the menu). It is not possible to use gadgets, atlases, previsors, zbirniks, Great Radianskoy Encyclopedia and other dzherels of wisdom.


  • De: restaurant "Maximilians" (TC "Skelia", Moskovske shose, 4, Budivlya 15)
  • Kolya: at the Tuesday, 19:00.
  • Income: 300 rubles per individual.
  • Team: from 4 to 10 individuals.

Naymasovіsha and topov on the current day of the barn quiz in Samara. Gras are stored in seven rounds for seven meals and three rounds for more than two years. But seven spikes on the forehead are optional. To grate in "Mozgobiynyu", it is not necessary to otrimuvat a friend "vishku" or to cram "Vіkіpedіyu", because of the wide-ranging outlook, the power and quality of thinking is logical.

The country has three tours with food from the winter halls of knowledge (unseen facts, see the story, continue the quote, etc.). Besides, є a musical tour, it is necessary to see the compositions of the artist, a tour of knowledge ostanikh novin, a tour with pictures (vidgadati, it is pictured, whose picture is not a frame), as well as a quick blitz-tour.

It will take 100 seconds to think about skin nutrition (short blitz-tour), so you can sign up to the form. When writing a round-trip, forms are collected for a pidrakhunka. It is correct to say one point for an extravagant tour, but for a blitz it can bring two bali to the team at once - but the wrong style is taken away (as the participants of the team, for example, put a checkmark in their opinion).

At the beginning of the season, there is a game, in which all the teams converge, which I want once borrowed from "Mozgobiynі" for the first time.

"60 seconds"

  • De: art-club "Likhtar" (st. Avrori, 150a)
  • If: Liga A - at the Tuesday, Liga B - at Thursdays, 19:00.
  • Income: 100 rubles per individual.
  • Team: up to 6 individuals.

Grace to start working out, to stock up on the whole, and buy not overwhelmed (ale and not primitive) food, broken into a number of specific topics. Dal - three main tours from 12 meals of serious (including pictures), on the negotiation of skin nutrition give equal to 60 seconds. Forms with prompts are collected at once, the end of the tour is not checked.

Nutrition in "60 seconds" is foldable, lower at the guesswork "Mozgobiynі", foldable fold, but here it is not necessary to click on Wasserman's help. Head - turn on the logic, іntuitsіyu and kindly rummage around the power memory.

Throughout the season, the organizers put together a global rating of all teams, which played in 60 seconds at the most recent day. Brushing Gravel the best commanders, for example, will disregard the symbolic "Krishtalev owl". In addition, command to go to Liga A and Liga B. Before the first Liga, the team from another League had been playing, as they scored more points during the season, less points.


  • De: Paint House restaurant (4 pass, 66)
  • Koli: Thursday, 19:00.
  • Income: 300 rubles per individual.
  • Team: up to 8 individuals.

For a while, the middle of the midsummer “znavts” barn quiz is not popular. It’s possible, so that it’s young enough - the first іgri "Otgadarium" started from the limes. A little bit more - I spent some time in Maximilians, then moved to Garbuz, and now destroyed the Paint House beer restaurant in the Rus-on-Volzi shopping center area.

The quiz will take six rounds from six meals. Five rounds are dedicated to singing themes, like getting naked on the cob of gris. Having evaluated those, the participants were guilty of the right vibrate that, in which it is more beautiful to choose ("happy" round), it means the number on the sheet and give it to the organizers. Nadal the correct responses from the group should be rated at one point, or if the “happy” one for himself had a round, command to get one two bali at once.

"Otgadarium" - the quiz has been relaxed, the food is no worse than folding, it’s more, that those five rounds will get naked for a long time, and on a quick tour, the participants are guilty of seeing it as if it’s like this and sweat it.

"Melotrek" and "Kinotrek"

  • It is held irregularly, the date and the date of the meeting is held by the VK group.
  • Income: 300 rubles per individual.

Barn quizzes for music lovers and movie stars, as they can learn a movie for a quote, a poster or a frame, and a melody - in one chord, well, garazd, in two.

Inodi іgry play thematic - for example, "Kinotrekom", assigning to cartoons or radianskiy cinema, "Melotrek" with music, which played at discotheques of old rockies. And yet there are also combinations of "movie-melo-track", and even good old vzagal all.

The system is standard in іnshom - a number of tours with meals different kind, the triviality of the gris - 2.5-3 years.

Einstein Party

  • De: restaurant "Three deer" (Moskovske shose, 2B)
  • Koli: at the middle, 19:00.
  • Income: 300 rubles per individual.
  • Team: from 2 to 12 individuals.

Calling a new barn quiz, "Einstein" started at Samara just for example. For a group of seven tours from 6-12 meals - photos, videos, audios, in good faith, with options that are different, different types, even simple ones, to reach the folding ones.

On the skin, nutrition is introduced up to 66 seconds of thought and mental anguish. There can be no more than 25 teams on a group at a time, which is quite enough.

The cafe chi restaurant brought the arrival and got the customers, it was not enough to get the business right. Even more importantly, think of a good one, tsikava, I will name it. In the tsiy statty proponyutsya vivchity 30 options Garnich name, one of which can be called your cafe, restaurant, club or other private enterprise:

1. "RANDEVU" - in the same words, sound. The name of the name is not so bad and unforgettable.
2. "ЗУСТРІЧ" - also RANDEVU, only in the Russian way.
3. "PROVENCE" - vidminna, that fashionable name, for, for example.
4. "Laskaviy Traven" - nostalgia of Radianskih Hours.
5. "BRIGANTINA" - the name of the tsikava, you will hear it.
6. "KOLIBRI" is a little bird. Easy is that simple name, go for an extravagant cafe, as well as for a child.
7. "PINGVIN" - as you can dub it as "GvinPin". The name is even simpler, but the name is not broadened.
8. "Chervoni vitrila" - the word received in the house from the school lavas. Підійде for the name of the youth cafe.
9. "BE READY" - this is the name for a youth cafe or a club.
10. СРСР - a perfect fit for a cafe, a bar with attributes and symbols of the Radians' hours.
11. "PEREMOGA" - Tsikava and Nezabutnya is a name for a cafe of any type.
12. "CHERVONA SQUARE" - this name is especially suitable, as maydanchik cafe will be decorated with chervona brukivka.
13. "COLUMBUS" is an unviable name;
14. "SUBMARINA" - the interior of the Viconium café at the viglyadi of the pidvodnogo chavna.
15. "DUYMOVOCHKA" - this is the name for a child cafe.
16. "GOLDEN KEY" or "BURATINO" is also a go-to for a child's cafe.
17. "BAIKAL" is a name for a huge mortgage.
18. "LEOPOLD" - a cheerful, positive name for an older person, and for a child cafe, bistro.
19. "GOLD OF KHOKHLOMA" - a tsikava name for a cafe, erected from wooden beams with a general design of the middle.
20. "TORTILA" - for children and grown-ups, they will be rich in malt and delicious tastes.
21. "YUVILEYNA" - the name has been broadened even further, yaka pidijde for mini-cafes.
22. "PIONEER" - nostalgia for the Radiansky hour.
23. "PEGAS" is a simple and design name.
24. "SІMEINE" is a common name for family inexpensive cafes with a great assortment of stravs.
25. "BANIFACIO" is the name of a child's cafe.
26. "GLOBUS" is an unaccountable name for a restaurant or a cafe, which is located in a resort town or water.
27. "Pivnichne syayvo" is a miracle and a barvy name.
28. "MIRAZH" is a common name for food-safe cafes.
29. "Iceberg" - the name for the night clubs or restaurants, which were launched on the Uzbek sea coast.
30. "GULIVER" is a guchna name for a childish cafe.
Axis Kilka is the name for your new cafe.

So, what is the name of the shipbuilder, so is the drink. Name the store correctly and mean a lot!

The first alcoholic іgri appeared in Ancient Greece... That one, who was benketuvav, filling the cup with wine, drinking it, splashing the bottom on the table and passing the cup of susidov. In that hour, people came up with a lot of tsikavih fun. The rules of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Russia are easy to understand. Smell rozrahovani for the difference in the number of people.


Grace for efficiency, coordination and prosperity.

Late organizers prepare 2 tables, 2 dances of the same alcohol, 2 cups (kelikhi), 2 tarіlki with a snack. On a leather table to put on dancing alcohol, charts, tarilts and snacks.

All of the participants break into two commands for a choice of individuals (6 to 3 are possible). The first rooms go to their tables, resemble the cups, then turn to your command and transfer the restaurant to other numbers. Other rooms are sipped instead of a glass, the third are to have a snack, and the fourth is to pour in the know-how. Peremagaє command, yak pershuyu to empty the dance. You can go back home, but the role of the participants has changed, and you can replace the "tired" participant.

"Alcoholic roulette"

Serіya ігор for luck іz approximately the same rules.

May be the fate of a few gravitas. Need water, a bottle and three cells. Two cells remind with bitterness, one - with water. The students, as a matter of fact, tie their eyes (vyganyayut in іnshu room) and rearrange the cells in mice. Zavdannya: vipity from one cell and immediately to feed them, sniffing together is not possible. Let us repeat everything from the chat.

Most of the gravitas will burn the burner. Peremagaє that, hto wiped out more for the others. At the entrance, the alcoholic load is called the Russian roulette. The woman's version has wine and sic to pick up color, for example, grape.

Beer lovers play in the best way. The smell of taking a sprinkle of cans of beer, one of them is good to smash, and it was re-made into a mini bomb. We must mix the jars and distribute them to the participants. For the skin round, there is no gravitation, but all of it is at the end of the day. It’s fun, but not aesthetically pleasing, because it’s time to clean up the room and clean up the speeches.

"Sports brotherhood"

More gratitude in one team with your other half. Need alcohol, a glass of that snack.

Gravtsi break into bets (cholovik + woman). Skin steam, scoop, get up, drink for brotherhood and last 10 seconds, do not eat. Everything is repeated until you leave one of the couples you can’t drink or drink some snacks. If the boys skip the price, then they know from themselves by the way, how to eat before the meal - one at a time. Kinets gris are governed by the norms of decency.

"Firmovy cocktail"

Pidijde smilivtsyam, as not to be afraid of zmishuvati to drink. One cell is needed and alcohol is not enough (minimum three types).

3-4 participants call it be-like alcohol drink... There is a pouring of 20-30 ml of the whole ingredin at the cells. Dal on cola іnshy gravets is called alcohol (it is not possible to repeat it), I know in cells to add 20-30 ml. Vipivaє "cocktail" of the one on which the bottle stuck. In a larger version of alcohol, it is allowed to add juices, liquorice, for example, Coca-Cola and mineral water.


Gras will delight lovers of space highways. Before the ear of the presence may take on the chest, it will not be so much fun.
One of the participants (bazhano with any imagination) take a snack with vip and sit on the sofa. It will be a monthly base. All of them are on all fours, they are assigned the names: "Misyatsehid 1", "Misyatsehid 2" etc. On the cob of gray, all the monthly walk is chaotically shifted to the room.

When the dispatcher of the base stinks, I’ll tell you more about the factory, I’m talking about phrases like: “I’m misyatsehid N, straight to the base for refueling with a fireman”, “I’m getting a new surface,” “I’m shuffling about the ship,” “I am going around the bridge”, etc. The head rule is not to get confused.

Zasmyaniy participant vimovlyaє the phrase: "I misyatsehid N, I'm going to the base to deny the new plant" and move the crustaceans to the sofa. Vyhodyach from the accepted standards of decency in the whole company, the base is given to the miscellaneous, for being guilty, zavdannya (obov'yazkovo in cosmic style). For example, refuel with 300 ml of poultry, bring a new batch of poultry to the base, take 3-4 trim parts with you, until the surface of the second walker, stick to the base, etc. Pislya vikonannya zavdannya base know how to start the experience of the last few months.

"Guess the brand"

Rosemouth for erudites. Consumer brands of drinks from different names. For example, beer "Tri Vedmedi", "Zhigulivske", "Dragon", "Tovstun". Bazhano, just call the boules vіtchiznyanim, it's easier to show.

One dance is given to the skin participant (a label is possible). I am guilty of mimic and gestures I will name. As soon as I’m in the presence of those present, I’ll guess the name, the grave can overshadow a dance. You don't want to show it correctly, and you will feel solid throughout the evening.


Simple game for lovers of the road. Get a lot of alcohol that map with the route of travel or electrician (you can take a package).

Marvel at the map, the leading bashful: "Step on station N (populations, point on the road)" Passengers step off the route from the route. Peremaha the one who gave for all of them.

"Mighty Kovtok"

Zmagannya for veterans of the alcoholic ruch of Zdebil'shoy to play with beer, but it is possible to vikoristovuvati іnshe alcohol. A small group of the company just roam at the bar. It's okay to do some work before entering.

According to the rules of gris, superniki are guilty of drinking the same dose of beer, a minimum quantity of covtkiv, not a drink. The one who has progressed, will pay for the rakhunok of the most successful participants, or if the winner will win the prize for a long time.

"Staleva showroom"

It is necessary to show a showcase, character, will until it is possible to see the health of your slaughter.

According to the rules, a few people calmly drink beer, but the first one doesn’t show up and go to the toilet, that one brings a new portion of the drink to the participants. To follow the principle of "Fair Play" (honest gras), all participants of the skin 20-30 blame for the same amount of beer.

"Wrap Coin"

Coordination is required. P'yanym spend in a coin, scho spinning, it's not so easy yak to rent.

The first participant unscrews a coin on a flat surface, because he calls it a grave, who is guilty of clattering his finger without a finger, and then he doesn’t wrap it up. At the same time, the coin is called an eagle up the hill, the one who has grabbed it, will penalize a glass, and if it is tails, it will go straight away.

"Nightingale Rozbiynik"

Alcoholic with cards. Shpopravda, blefuvati, vibudovuvati strategy and rozgaduvati combination will not happen. Tilki correct dikhannya.

Put a dance on the glass, cover the shyka with a deck of new plastic cards. Zavdannya gravitov to produce a chain of cards, but not the whole deck. The student, having thrown off the left card, vipiva a penalty stop, grabbing a hand.

"Correct words (Novorichna)"

Grace for respect, it is imperative that you show yourself more actively for others.

On the hour of the Holy Day of the New Rock (іншого saint), the TV screen is inserted. Late, the company is home about the word, feeling that everything is vaping from the TV screen in unison. For example, tse can be: "new", "I visit", "dear". If the word is popular, more alcohol will be needed.


Sprazhnє zmagannya for the strong in spirit. Need to drink grains, alcoholic drinks and cups.

Two gravitas sit one against one, their partners play the role of trainers and seconds. "Boxer" throws paintballs on the go, who had less points, the one who missed a blow - a glass of wine. Trainer to fill the stacks and run for an hour. Kozhen round three times each, then interrupt 60 seconds.

The fight will end with a knockout of one of the fights, the capitulation of the command (bachachi will clearly be a super hero, the coach is tidying up) after 12 rounds (nothing).


Modification of the family of the Greeks. Krim alcohol, one empty dance is required.

4-10 people flock to the colo, hto one from them I will spin a dance, to whom I will show a shyka, that vipivaє glass (bottle, cell) of alcoholic drink. For example, the happy-go-lucky guys, who haven't gotten too drunk, take their little happy colleagues around the booths.


It is necessary to show in the ministry to be carried out with a gymnastic hoop, if alcohol is in the hands. Need a spout of plastic hoops, flasks and low-alcohol drinks.

Zavdannya participants twist the hoop on the shia, rutsi chi noz that water chas piti z kelikh. Yaksho hoop fallє, gravets vibuvaє. Peremagaє toi, hto vip'є shvidshe, or to wipe better for them. Without trenuvan until the end of a single unit.

"Dancing Hands"

Gras behind the motives of the movie "Edward Knife Hands".

Up to the skin hands of the participants, with scotch tape, wrap up the dance of beer, drink low-alcohol wine. A lot of gravets are guilty of vipity їхній вміст and depriving them of more empty containers. Peremagaє the best.

"Vipiti signal"

Do not let go of the head that stitches after your fellow charts.

On the ear of the evening, the company vibrated a signaling device, which is a keruvatime by the process of emptying cells. Like a signaling device, put the great finger of your left hand on the style, trimming your fingers at the table, using leather, which means, to rob those same. Stop your finger on the steel box. Try to drink one time, wine - two.

"Happy Pot"

Simple alcoholic gras. Consume kelikha with beer and arachis.

At the command, all the participants throw one salty pot at their cells. A sprinkle of arachis will be drowned in, ale after a dozen hours before pouring bulbs in carbon dioxide into the surface. The program, whose pot is spilled, will stop. Vін lachu zalny rakhunok.

P.S. You can get started early by purchasing special games. For example, alcoholic checkers, darts, roulette chi іnshu on the floor.

Alcoholic checkers

Boo, it turns on for the hour of boisterous p'yanka, and the shit is thrown around by the words "Kolyanich is a fool" written on the forehead, and by the nasalized Hitler vuss. Nayprykrіshe those who drank ti vchora on their own ... The message of such vipadkіv is brought to viznati, wіll wіll hаνе hаνе busy self-determination. Still, people in the old hours have been re-translating the simple process into more time. So, singing, and alcoholics appeared.

The first letter to the riddle about the cheesy game can be found in Plato's Benketi. To the old Greek benkettreb, fill the bowl with wine, drain it, clap it on the bottom and transfer the bowl to the susidov. From that hour, the register of alcoholic іgor was greatly expanded, and the rules became more streamlined. Well, not the floor, but it’s not the sound of p'yana lyudin.

Well, come on, rushed off?

The mind of the meaning

Gra on respect chi kmіtlivist Gra for luck Gras for vitriality
for spriteness
Just fool

Shvidk_st okosіnnya

Nizka Middle Visoka


Beer Міцні наої All that maє degrees

01 Morsky Bey

papir and two handles.

Take on two commanders and train behind a standard field for naval combat. Vikoristovuchi fantasia (to complete the view without a koshtovna program, as it is possible to enroll from any brain), set the rules for yourself. Home about the number of ships; Virish, for which there was a mistake (in gramps), the crew members were guilty, the ship was sunk, well, and also. The strategy itself does not become a classic non-alcoholic version.

02 Tse cut through!

What to know about snacks: servet, coin, cigarette.

Put a cup of servetka and put a coin on it. Light up a cigarette. Now gravitate, guilty of guilt, pierce the papier, just like the tip of the cigarette. The one, if I pierce a coin, break through a servet and sink to the bottom, is guilty of drinking a glass. Coin so and booty youmu may not be kovtati.

03 Drug lord

What to know about snacks: deck of cards .

When there is a deck of styles of cards, there are gravitas at the table, so you don’t know. The suit is not important, but in advance it is necessary to identify two main pictures. One (perhaps an ace) will become a drug lord, and one (say, a king) will become a policeman.

Hand out the picture. To the one who gets the king, the goiter's crochet will be heard in a voice. Now Win Politseyskiy, and Win maє virahuvati The drug lord with an ace. Інshim slide away from zberigati movchannya. The drug lord is guilty for an hour quietly to one of the gravitas, and to the one at his own devil, it is necessary to see it, viguknuvshi: "I am in the right!" Now he was overrun by Politseyskiy. Win man nazvati peredbachuvaniy Narcobaron. Yaksho vin vgaduє, penalty maidan vipivє Drug lord and to the one to whom the dilemma of evil svitu pidmornnuv (yaksh buv such agreement). Yakshho zvinuvachennya Politseyskogo pomilkovo, the penalty goes to you. And the drug lord timid hour pidmorgu to the new spilnik ...

04 Cocktail "Sloza kachkonosa"

What to know about snacks: coin.

The first grave is poured into a glass, as you like and what you want, be it dancing on the table. Sumish, scho viyshla (navi tse all just ten grams of a bottle) is called a cocktail "Sloza kachkonosa". Let us grab a coin and let it spin at the end of the day, the prophet, eagle chi tails out of the way. Yaksho zdogad virny, the grave passes the glass to the offensive participant. That can also be topped up with a bottle for your own precious gusto and a coin toss. Unchaste, like not zmіg vgadati, like a coin falling on the side, vipivaє cocktail. Let’s do it all over again.

05 Done your hands

What to know about snacks: yak minimum, two more comrades in charts.

Sit at the table, grabbing one hand and putting the doloni on the glass. In the result, before the skin, the left hand appears right-handed, the right hand is susid-right-handed, and the right hand is suspicious-right-handed and oliv'є (kudi without ny!). Now you can make your groceries. Khto viguku "Vlіvo!" (or "To the right!") I splash on the table with my lilo dolonya. Tse signal before the launch of the "khvili" bavovnya for the year of the shooting (or against). Apparently, the bavovna is advancing, who will continue to eat, is to blame for the death of a ludin, for sitting on the table through one side of the first, hitting the table with the right hollow. Then the grave, how to sit in order for the first time, is guilty of hitting his own lily, etc. Penalties are imposed for any kind of pardon. Having thrown into the wrong place, having missed the bavovna, smashing the TV set with a stool.

06 Before the carving of grafting

What to know about snacks: papir that pen.

In the ideal gram, you can enjoy the first bottle of beer, and you will be with friends at the bar. Ale, from the other side, do not be happy with the savoring of a drink, judicious people vvazhayut for the beautiful way of thinking not earlier than the last wager of kelikhs before entering. Otzhe, the axis of what is the essence of a friendly match. It is necessary to drink beer for a lesser number of kovtkiv. The one, who had done it, had to pay for the vipivka and pay the image for the lack of a lid.

07 Rospaluvannya

What to know about snacks: saucer.

A saucer (or, say, empty cells) is placed at the center of the table, on the yak, put on the fingers. On the rakhunok "three" skin, or take away, or put your finger on the saucer. It is a fine to impose those parts of comrades in charts (and only one person, Іgorok), which was lost in the minority.

08 Torque

What to know about snacks: coin.

The axis is still one simple grasp, as it can help you to pass the hour, checking on the arrival of sp'yaninnya. The first grave will twirl a coin on the table and call one of them quietly to sit on the hand. I am guilty of the names, I don’t make a coin, click my finger, and press the dodatk energy to wrap it up, and call it the offensive gravel. Whenever you get a coin, you get paid, or you can hit the table, you can get a penalty. For more excitement, you can set additional rules. For example, like a coin, it has ceased to turn around, like an eagle, then you need to drink two penalties.

09 Naval water

What to know about snacks: set of the same dishes.

Hitchcock was honored with a lot of gras, more suspense. Gravitate all the cups with water, just one, pour a bottle into the yak, and stir it gently. Drink the leather on the charts (don't go to the nose, don't smell it), and drink everything on command. For bazhannya, it is possible to increase the nervousness of the gris, periodically increase the number of glasses with gorіlkoy (abo, navpaki, I wake up).

10 Slurry pot

What to know about snacks: salted arachis.

If you don't like salty mountains from your friends, change everything to beer. On command, one hour let in a pot at your cell. As long as you are not given arachis, shattering from soya, it’s safe to drown in pots. Ale do not sleep in mourning. With the lack of a bulb, the gas should drip over the arachis and drip it onto the surface. Nevdaha, whose pot is more whimpering, is guilty of paying for them.

11 I am a good time ...

What to know about snacks: nothing.

One more game for the raznosherstoi company. It’s fun to help the guests, like to play one one for the first time, to get to know the closest and not to see oneself scooter, but innakshe, the rozuminsh himself, the whole swing-party is nanovets. Beginning, be it. Some of the key words are: “I’m a good one ...”, and then we’ll get to them on the screen “… without backing the film“ Sutichka ”. Pislya ts'ogo viznannya usi, hto bachiv tsei film (we have the editorial office, before the speech, such dosi are dumb) vipyayut secretly. Let's take a word to take the coming guest, as if: "I have never seen a drink." If you want to wait for the penalty, we will shut up the non-drinkers.

12 Russian beer roulette

What to know about snacks: a lot of canned beer that is ready to swallow.

Before the skin stage of vipivka, one of the cans of beer is kindly crushed (it’s the best way to break your comrade-epileptic), and then turn into a bomb. When the bank is charged, the bank is charged to change with the ones. Well, yak ti gadaєsh, who gets there?

13 Tier

What to know about snacks: coin.

On the tables, there are hundreds of grids for a number of participants, and one stack at the center. The skin pile is closed behind the singing grave. A coin is placed on the edge of the table. Meta gri: after dropping a coin to the clinks, spend it in one cup. Details: as a coin thrower, take a shot at your stoos, try to drink on a free kick; if it’s a mistake to miss, it’s a win; how does the wine go to someone else's stos, vipivaє khazyain stosi; as soon as you drink it in the central stool, you drink it all. Well, okrіm Igorka. At a new one there is a ramp.

14 Words for the evening

What to know about snacks: televizor.

Surely, mi rozrakhovuєmo, so ty koristuvatimeshsya tsimi igrami rіk, ale the number we have is still new. That is, gras, in the yak, you can grab until and when the chimes fight. Viber from the guests the word for the evening (for example, "yaky" or "noviy") and vip the schoraza, if it’s at the TV screen. Young people can vibrate for themselves the word "hammer".

15 Until now!

What to know about snacks: style

In the process of decorating the guests, they rob Lyudin's finger and spend an hour cheerfully. Ale chu! Lyudin's finger yak bi mіzh іnshim put on the edge of the table the great finger of his left hand (the fingers are found under the stylus). Kozhen, hto mean a maneuver, to rob those same flywheels. The remaining fashionable trend, having taken into account, the impulses of vipiti penalties. And this is how the efforts of the evening were promoted.

16 Bezkіnechna іstorіya

What to know about snacks: gift of speech.

It’s the first grave to say, be it a word, the other one is presenting the same as it came for the snake, the third prodding proposition. For example, perch - "mustache"; the other - "happy"; third - "sіm'ї"; quarters - "similar"; p'yatyv - "her ... veska?" All: “Prograv! Fine! " Shorter than that, with a little light: a grave, which does not mean to continue the proposition, to be fined, but then, having had a snack, start a load of a new word.

17 At the bottom

What to know about snacks: stack.

Qia gra chimos is similar to the film "Titanic", and chimos to our career. Empty stos are served at the cells with beer. Now it is skinny by pouring up to three of beer from its own cells. The program, whose last speck becomes that last straw, like the back of a camel (feet), and sip it down to the bottom. (You can, tsya metaphor not be so coarse, as you re-read її p'yanim.)

18 About our brothers at the menshost

What to know about snacks: suspended thought.

And tsya galasliva gra miraculously come for the guests, as badly know one by one. Kozhen from gravitians by means of putting us in mind as food, so that the transfer of two opposite points to the vision. Acceptable: "What is tasty: kishki chi dogs?" It will take you three seconds to think, and then feed your food ("Dogs") and raise your hands quietly, which is good for him. I’m quiet, but I’m getting my hands on more, but I’m quiet, but I’m not, lovers of greased kishok vipivayut on a free kick. Yakshcho, navpaki, dogs, in the middle, when they chose less, then the alcohol-pokuta is imposed on them. We'll have the right to supply food to pass until the offensive gravel. For example, up to Іgorka.

Іgry cafe - svoryuєmo virtual capital

Іgry cafes for girls - the opportunity to create a great business, do not go around the house and do not check. Already at the same time it is possible to work out the right, make money on the first capital. Virtual light is needed for a whole lot of powerless possibilities and you can vibrate directly, so that you can see the talent of the child.

A modest pledge is not home to buyers and throughout the day, you will not be rich. It’s good, and it’s not because of the nuances that rose up, and you can easily make a mistake, but if you make a sound, you can do it right.

Your first admission to the merchant

Since then, you've seen your first cafe. You have little possession of those products, but you are more likely to reimagine the mortgage on a prosperous enterprise and to find a profitable business. Sposterіgayuchi pіdkazki, you take the first lesson from the service and maintenance of the cafe.

  • In the hmmar over the client, try to make a substitute and blame for a good one, do not sniff the people in the ochikuvanny.
  • The offensive vidviduvach bazhaє skushtuvati also the other product, and for the reason that it is in the Ingredients that are presented in the kitchen.
  • It’s ready for the hour for the girls of the restaurant, you will earn a penny and in the end of the skin snake, if it’s finished in one hour, start arriving.
  • The nobility of the nobility, which was lost before the end of the working day, stitch after the year, which will see your year. Skin is such a zmіna - tse іgroviy rіven.
  • If it’s an hour or so in a restaurant, you inadvertently took the wrong thing, just put it on the style, you can show up if you want to do it yourself. And don't just put it in the cat for smittya.

Head office

A selection of modest designs is available to you without deyakis aparati, furniture and embellishments. Ale if you reach the singing rivnya and the pennies you get, you will be dearly possessed. Yogo sense pole is in order to speed up the process of preparing and making your projects easier.

Krym gotuvannya needs robustness of many rich manipulations. Deyakі іgri іgry svorenі so, I will transfer you as a universal teacher.

  • You will receive a replacement from the clients;
  • Deny payment for a new one;
  • Pick up three tables;
  • Get ready and serve kava;
  • Wipe down the log.

Zgodnі - a robot that is not trivial, that penny you have is not so rich. Ale business is a piece of hard stock and cannot tolerate linear competitors. If you want to get started on the combs of the bad, report on all the problems.

If the process of gri online restaurants is already well mastered, and if you replace one mortgage, you will have a few similar items, you will be transformed into a tycoon. If you trim your hand on the pulse, all the same will happen, even if you can reach the tendency and demand, you will be able to get it. The role of the entertainment to the restaurant is very important. It’s quiet at home, people are eager to stretch themselves to such a moment.

  • Arrange the tables on the perimeter;
  • Introduce new zones for couples with children;
  • Turn on the curtains for miles;
  • On the tables, do not burn light fixtures, vipromineuchi meak, warm light.

Іgry restaurants and cafes proponyuyut development ways and business development. Sometimes you just go to the service of the customers, stand for the style, and sometimes you get to go to the room with the dance. If you want to get ready, you will be knitted from a small earning and a thoroughly mortgage for people. The law of the commercial jungle has settled in the games about restaurant business and development.