Zmenityy Radiansky and Russian Likar-Cardiohirurg, Vinakhidnik, Professor, Academician of the RAS and RAMS, Head Cardiohirurg of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Leo Bokeriya in the Interview, turning over the statement about the traditional works. Behind the words of the lykar, it became clear about the mode of eating - pardon.

The axis, scho win, saying: “Sneedanok z'yzh himself is an absolute lighthouse, relying on respect for a povnotsinny sidanok. To that, you have propelled, the organism of an initiative comes to the working camp, you sit for a glass, give a tart of meat, flour, wash it down with a great bottle of chogos. Then get dressed, go to the robot - and then what kind of teacher is there for you? Purely physiological. For a long time ago, since I had lost my heart to the American-American spіvpratsya, I brutalized respect, so great, even worse, the stench of lies, in a short vipad, sipped a small cup of kawi. All! Opіvdnі - tse those, what they call lunch - tse yakiy sandwich. And in the evenings it’s okay to come to the house, it’s okay, then go to the pool, swim, read there well ... To the siblings, take a snack, in the afternoon - have a snack, in the evening (but not too much in the evening) - it’s okay to cultivate, but to drink. Behind my warnings, in the lands, people do not live, - the stench to live like this "

The version of the home Russian doctor is approved and left by the late Devid Levitsky from the Cornell University. When you stand up, if you don’t want to take a dough for a day, you can quickly throw it off zyva vaga... Having confirmed his theory by experiment, by means of what kind of bulo, he should set up a party for a day.

Half of the participants in the experiment drank on a regular basis, the other group didn’t take pictures. The group, skipping snidanoks, wanted more and more strongly, ale yak z'yasuvalosya, їkh obsyag їzhі for the day not getting better and until the end of the day becoming 408 calories less, less in the first group of participants.

On the thought of a drinker, such a strategy of food, unaffected by hunger, it’s not calling for a bastard for longer than a day and, apparently, I don’t know about taking away calories. Irregular views can be viewed as one control system for the car.

“I’m thinking that I’m going to supervise those people who don’t think about those people who are important for the control of women, but don’t think about them. Naturally, healthy people are all about everything. Since people are diabetic or have hypoglycemia, they need to have some children to get rid of glucose, ”Levitsky said.

Ale s vislovlyuvannyam rosіyskogo hіrurga i zahіdnogo vchenogo not zgodnі EXPERT Vsesvіtnoї organіzatsії receptionists Health Protection, SSMSC, pіdvіvshi pіdsumki numerical doslіdzhen, all zapevnyayut's World: Person of Yakscho, yak ranіshe not їv vrantsі, pochinaє snіdati, the Yogo crowbar normalіzuєtsya i zayvі kіlo postupovo znikayut ... It is a good idea of ​​starting the correct metabolic processes, accelerating the exchange of words. So, a superficially fatty snidanok can be seen on the sides. Ale normal in calorific value and low for a lot - nikoli. The first axis will delight the children, well, it’s not so bad!


Tasty, ale not healthy product, In nіy nemає zovsіm that, it is guilty to be in the pershu cherga - meat, Zate in the excess of high-class warehouses. For example, such as nіtrіn kalіyu - a preservative, scho wiklikє cancer stravohodu. The first result is straightforward from such napovnyuvachіv cowbassi.

Kashi shvidkogo prygotuvannya

In order to speed up the preparation for an hour, porridge goes through a special processing, as a result of which the carbohydrates are converted into starch, which is quickly absorbed by the body. For polishhennya relish, seasonings are added in significant quantities of zukor. To that - a quicker dessert, not a good brown snack.

Shvidkі snіdanki

The price of awesome "pilgrims", which can be accepted as a way of extrusion - the change of food products to the United Kingdom odnorіdnu masu, With the podil pod_l on the bags of singing size. Tudi obov'yazkovo enter: borosno, oil, zukor, starch. The value of such a product is alive and well.

dried fruits

All of us love the dried fruit of the industrial bread, to be sprinkled with sour acid and meadow. Plus, soak the stench in the sugar syrup before that. What can be cinnamon in such a product? Shvidshe for all shkidliviy, nіzh brown pass.


Similarly to the so-called "shvidkie" snidankas. Muesli undergo a special processing, as a result of which a change in grain is produced, and most often it is overtrained in carbohydrates and converted into a rich sugar,


The tsikh sirkahs are rich in color, ale less naymen less than the same sir. You can find zukor, fat, preservatives, synthesized aromatics. I know not to be considered a healthy snack. Mozhlivo, tse dessert.

packets of juices

Between the fresh juice and the packaged juice, there is a great growth. Svizhovichaleniya sik "live" not more than 15 min. There are packs of sugar cakes and preservatives, there is no fruit pulp, and that, which is taken for pulp, is є the cake of red beets or pectin. Remember, it’s the most great experience to produce fat to fat. You will want to write such a good news.

Bananas and fruits

If we are talking about the cornsity of fruits, then in the first place there is a lot of fruit, grown in a perfect area. Fruits across the ocean (bananas and іn.) Pass a special gas treatment and a great chemistry for tricky gasoline, transport and dosage.

melted syrks

Whether it’s like a dodatkova heat treatment є I’ll be happy, especially the siren is especially priced. Pislya melting stench will consume its valuable quality, simply being transformed into a mass of fat. In addition, for the preparation of such sirens, a sire is taken, which cannot be sold with a piece of shrimp, to enter. published

P.S. And remember, all you have to do is to live your life - all at once you have a light! © econet

Celebrities Russian cardiohirurg Leo Bokerya, having played against the classic "siblings, he shared with another, and go to the supper". It’s a win to know that he’s got his rationale among old colleagues, that they drink a cup of kawi, make a sandwich, and, moreover, have them in the evenings. Pislya tsyogo is sport. On the thought of Bokeria, in the lands, people do live, they gnaw like that. We are ready to Russian fakhivtsi to adapt to our colleague, correspondent Marina Kostyukevich said.

Substitute a snack - kava, in obid - a sandwich and once again eat three grapes for the supper. And before going to bed - exercise machines. I have successfully tested the authoritative cardiohirurg Leo Bokeria on my own. The likar itself is beautifully watched, unaffected by adulthood: in good shape, ruddy, active, operative and ready for the later animals. Building b - axis health formula and model for inheritance - take it and pick it up. The doctor himself is aware that he has studied the scheme of food for old colleagues, as they live long and do not see any problems with their health. However, the Russian fakhivtsi are not smart brothers, I will use the method for revitalization. Navigate from the urahuvannya of that, which is propagated by the high-class Fakhivets, also a surgeon-cardiologist Volodymyr Khoroshev:

"I happened to be in the 80s, and I worked with him. I studied with him and performed at the same time with Leo Antonovich. I love him without peace. But I don’t take it in such a way, but I don’t undertake to take care of him. for yourself, as a rule, prove that it’s possible to see if you’re going to see it ... well, you’re not going to see it, but I’ll say: “So, it’s possible to see it.” Then there will be a working day ahead of me, before the majestic vitra of energy.

Practicing dentists in a great deal of their own to see such a move itself: the main use of the food is on the drink (it is allowed to use the grass and licorice), the more common food is salad, the first, the other, the third - and lightly so in the evening until recruit і rozrahovuvati for healthy organism, napolyaga lykar-doctor, candidate of medical sciences Margarita Korolova:

"The price of a tasty meal is often a shot. It’s a must-have snack, every evening, and two brown snacks. Harchuvannya is smart and not overwhelming. At least once, a sweet little carnival one-week-old carnival. Leading an unhealthy way of living and eating. And he himself knows great problems for health.

The first step is to extend the claims of doctors-doctors to their colleagues. Not all of them can boast pulled figures and an ideal car. From the side, development of a doctor-doctor Olena Solomatina, We all have a strong temperament, little characters, metabolism, genetics, body constitution. That іndivіdualny go to the formulation of the race is permissible. Ale tilki for a wonderful result:

"Є people, who have an organism to sleep from the wound, they just can't sleep. The whole day smells bad, and you can get away with a sandwich. Winiky is interested in robots, until the right, and I wonder about the good, that time. in the evenings, and there is a surge of energy, strength - why not go in for sports? Mayut on tse right. Ale recommendation tse to all polls is not varto. "

Doctors Edin in one - as a turbulent and not vlashtovuyu vlasnoy kharchuvanny, it is necessary to go to the fahivtsa - gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and doctor, to go through the treatment and at once with a doctor to develop an individual. Not viklyucheno, kawi will appear as a good friend for an okremo taken by people. But try not to make everyone happy.


19.12.2019, 09:07

Vegetarianism yak model food

OLEXANDER MYASNIKOV: “To look at vegetarianism is just like a model of food, well, it’s melodiously got the right to eat, it’s close to the principles of healthy food, ale, especially when it’s a child, I’m laconic. allow your own eggs, milk, tse zovsim good. "

26.12.2019, 09:07

Without statistics, medicine is dumb

OLEXANDER MYASNIKOV: “Statistics are the basis of medicine. Won vikladaєtsya on a very high level of efficiency in medical universities in all regions. But it’s also proven medicine, and it’s screaming about it — it’s statistics. Mi daєmo is a drug, wondering if it doesn’t help it, but it’s all statistics ”.

30.12.2019, 18:07

GMO children were not allowed to experiment!

OLEKSIY KULIKOV: “From my point of view, He Jiankui is a ludin, who moves effectively as moral norms. Tse, quickly, not a happy experimenter, a hammered spike, that is beyond legal laws - so, you zlochinets. "

Efir by topic: Health

It’s not essential for Mysyats, and everything that seems to end. The new days will end. Well, tobto the stench, formally, is already over. Ale tse only formally. To that end, the given working day is the price of a whole lot of working hours. First of all, we just didn’t have a chance to turn around before our new trips. Why turn into the middle? Turn around for a week.

If we cease to require a dentist

A group of Chinese preachers from the University of Zhejiang published a call, in which case the method of piece-by-piece remineralization of the emaly has been successful. Behind the text of the statute, the material was taken into account to be stored in clusters of ions of calcium phosphate, which can be used as vicories for rejecting the ball in front of the emala. More simply, it’s just a building “prepare soil” and start the regeneration process for a long time.

Struggle with bark and poliomієlіtom: about the situation with the ill-fated in the world

The new coronavirus is the cause of pneumonia in China. Rakhunok is sick at once for dozens of choloviks. The battle zone is expanding. From China's Wuhan virus was brought to Hong Kong and Korea. Eksperti poperezhayut: getting sick is even similar to fatal atypical pneumonia. And in Russia, Ide hvilya slept in the bark. Ailments of non-split children. Among the leaders - Yakutsk, there are a number of ailments on the cyr about 70 people.

Zmenityy Russian doctor, professor, academician of RAS and RAMS, head cardiohirurg of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Russian Federation Lev Bokeriya, speaking from a sensational statement: fatigue postulate about nibito correct eating- pardon.


Behind his words, the celebrities hang - "snidanok z'yzh himself" - tsilkovita foolish, especially if mova idde about the smart, caloric snidanku.

Once the body has thrown itself away, it will come to the "battle readiness", and you will be able to drink a tart of meat, a loaf of butter and a large bottle that will give you something to drink. To navigate in a purely physiological way for such a ryazy "snack" is normally uncomfortable.

Bokerya rozpov, scho tricked with American likars, having spoken such a picture: they were even better, the great surgeons were drinking a tiny cup of kawi. Opіvdni - traditional Russian everyday pori - a snack with a small sandwich. The first time in the evening, having come to the house, the likar made a normal one, after the supper.

Z Avtorak - let go of the meeting, in obed - have a snack, in the evening (but not too much in the evening) - it’s okay, and then - physical culture. Behind my wards, in the lands, people do not live, - the stench to live like this.

The Russian doctor was taught by Devid Levitski, a lecture from the Cornelian University in the USA. Heads of presenters, knowing that, if you want to see a child for a day, you can easily change your vagu. Vcheniy provіv experiment, how much to increase the number of days per day.

The participants in the experiment were poured: one group was eating a day, a friend was not taken away. A "hungry" group after a few years wanted to be much stronger, ale, as if it was, that it was not only that it didn’t grow up with them, but that it appeared 400 calories less than that of a group that I’m having.

Levitskі vvazhaє, it is possible to vicoristovuvati non-perpetual snіdanok, which is one of the methods of controlling vagi. Even if I feel hungry, people will not eat more in a day, and I will not take away additional calories.

Behind the words of the vcheny, win the mind, how the results of the last few days go to the market from the well-received thought about those who are old-fashioned - the part of the child's life. Until then, all the money was stuck to healthy people. Even though people are seriously ill, for example, diabetes is or glypoglycemia, and glucose is always needed - in all cases, it is necessary.

From the point of view of the Russian academician and the American military doctor, it is categorically unfit for the Fakhivtsi VOOZ. According to the results of the last few days, it’s like a man, having missed a dream, more often than not regularly harchuvatsya vratsi - yogh vaga will come back to normal, and it’s not necessary to know the calories by itself. All because of the fact that when you receive it, metabolic processes are launched in the body and the exchange of words is activated. Tobto, overwhelmingly vivid snidanok can be overshadowed on the sides, and the average in calorific value and insignificant for the whole is not.

It is practical that all the items are solid in one item, virnishe, the list is a change of products, which are necessary to speed up to the minimum, and more beautifully, they are seen from them.


The product is tasty, ale darmon - meat in new is practically dumb, and if є, then the very minimum. Take in plenty of great ingredients and chemical additives. For example, a permanent component of cowbass - preservative nitrin kaliyu - can provoke cancer

Kashi shvidkogo prygotuvannya

The porridge was filled with good health for food, the stench of special treatment. The result is that the carbohydrates are transformed into starch, which is quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, for the sake of strength, they spice them up with special specialties and tsukrom in great quantities. So "shvidki" porridge is a simple dessert, and not a povnotsinny, healthy snack.

Shvidkі snіdanki

For їх preparation of small products, it is efficient to mix them into a single batch, and then to “melt” the bags of a given size. Neodmіnnі Ingredієnti: Boroshno, oil, succulent pisok and starch. The price of additional products is zero.

dried fruits

Tasty and cinnamon dried fruits are cooked like this: sprinkle with puddle and sour acids, and then soak them in red syrup. So it’s not possible to talk about yak, but it’s about Skoda.


Їх virobnitstvo is even more similar to the preparation of "bistro-breakfasts". Muesli produce special processing, in the process of which the structure of grain changes, and it is commonly used in carbohydrates to transform into a "high-quality" zukor. In muesli and in similar products, there is a lot of sugar and empty calories.


Warehouse for the whole product is profitable, only bezposrednyo siru there is the least. In sirkahs є,, preservatives, synthetic flavoring agents and chemical additives. The product cannot be called “corysnim” with some "similar" products.

packets of juices

Sig and packings are a couple of great deals. The first one "is alive" is close to 15 khvili, the other one is kept in months. The bagged food is usually filled with candies and preservatives, and then, when it comes to the use of fruit pulp, it’s just the cake of red beets or pectin. Inappropriate implantation of tsukru is one of the reasons for the appearance of adolescent fat.

Bananas and fruits

The corrosiveness of the fruit is not disputed, the axis is only mova, as a rule, Ide about the fruits that are grown in the "old" micevost. "Overseas" fruits - kivi, bananas and іnshі - are contaminated with specific gases and chemicals for the improvement of the terms necessary for transportation.

melted syrks

For any dodatkov product, there is a term processing є I will take it. The price is especially important for sirens. By the melting process, Siri will consume all his corny power and it is easy to re-create in the mass of fat. Krym, a syruvino for melting sirks, a sire, which cannot be realized with a shmat, to come in.

Zmenityy Radiansky and Russian Likar-Cardiohirurg, Professor Leo Bokeria, turning over the declaration about traditional projects. For his words, the legendary joy about the sisters, about and the evening of school.

To the TV channel "Ren TV" cardiohirurg stating:

The dream itself is an absolute lighthouse, relying on the respect of the common dream. To that, you have propelled, the organism of an initiative comes to the working camp, you sit for a glass, give a tarilka of meat, flour, wash it down with a great bottle of chogos. Then get dressed up, go to the robot - and then what kind of teacher is there for you?

Vlasne, deyakikh pratsіvnikіv the port is not a fortunate snіdanok, let’s listen to Doctor Varto, moreover, I’m going to ask for the approval of all the people. Cardiohirurg for the reason that it would be more competent to come up with the western colleagues, they sipped a cup of kawi, a sandwich was served, and, moreover, only in the evenings they were playing robots, for whom they went in for sports:

To that, sdanok - let go of vorogov, in obіd - have a snack, in the evening - normally spіvаsh, and then - physical culture. Behind my wards, in the lands, de people do not live, - live the stench like that.

It is very important, the mother needs to respect, that the cuisine of the people and the zvychay should be very enthusiastic, as will be the tradition of food in the family. The protest of Leo Bokeria's cry is seen from dogmas and critically marveled at the tired rules of Wiklik Chimaly interest.

Leo Bokeria is a legend, a gene of optimism. A Bryansk journalist, who at that time became a reporter for the TVC, told about her entertainment with a divine people.

If a share is given to you to educate such people, you will be left behind in all your life.

At that hour I was working as a correspondent on the TVC channel in the “Forecast” program. On the glider the Chergov theme was voiced: myocardial infarction - ailment of the XXI century. The rest of the minibuses went, I was sitting in the editorial office and tapped on the keyboard. Tomorrow, it will be necessary to create a material about the home Russian surgeon Fyodor Uglov:

“... You were applauded by the lights of science. And in Kniz Guinness, against the nickname, a record - operating in 100 rock. Kutiv has surpassed 12 commandments for his death. Tse bula "memorial of the Russian resident of the city" from the Siberian likar. Alcohol, tyutyun, obzorlivst - they meant a taboo suvore. The widow of Uglova zgaduє, for her life the physician did not drink a glass of alcohol. For the sake of cheeriness, before the operation, skip 100 grams of the burner. Hirurg vipivav a bottle of water and put on a large robe. Each wound, in any weather, wiggled two rounds of kryzhanoi water on itself. Bagato walking pishki. Particularly fond of walking along the Uzbek coast of the Finskoy zatoka. Hirurg karbuє heart beat to the beat. Fedir Uglov did not recognize any overconceptions. An unimaginable boulevard in robots ... "

I knocked on the keyboard with my nose, if I went through the editor's ringing:

- Go on. Pislyazu tomorrow you will see Leo Bokeria at the Bakulauva Institute. I will send you the phone number of your partner.

I couldn’t believe it. Interview with Leo Bokeria. Geniy, sage, lykar, like a child's heart ... like a child's heart! My heart began to drum in my heart !!! Live until tomorrow.

Mayzhe all the rest I spent at the laptop, reading dozens of articles about myocardial infarction, Leo Bokeria, Bakulauva Institute and about the heart on the right. What would not have been a topic: whether it was buying mixed fodders for a pig complex, or Kinska cosmetics for people, or ... myocardial infarction, I was the first to monitor the information in front of the zyomki and the text. Zobov'yazaniy zhiznogo booty in temi!

On the coming day, I dialed the assistant's phone:

- I'm going! You are turbo Natalya Fedosova, correspondent of the TVC channel.

I didn’t get up to finish it, as if the wire was ripped off, it’s zinuvachennya, something to finish.

- Yak theme ??

- Myocardial infarction.

- Do you know about it? Do you want to wonder at the great encyclopedia? Every day, the magazines are welcomed and two times they can’t be called, they can’t ask for power supply. Leo Antonovich has not enough an hour, so you get it all!

I heard in the zatispeninny tsyu fiercely mova and could not put in words and didn’t want to.

- Store my food list. Tomorrow about the 8th wound at a new operation. Be about 9 years in the Institute.

I threw down the phone. Fuhhh .. Well, okay. I didn’t get away with that, I soothed myself.

It took me two nights to get the whole course of the medical institute. I knew everything about myocardial infarction!

There were a lot of people around the holi institute. And the least of all - the young daddy with the nemovlyats. Vyryat into a wonder. Yak so, for scho? why? from the first day of the life of a terrible diagnosis ...

We were asked to go to the reception room, the whole well-known group got into a robe. On the year 9 wound. Already, it’s the year Bokerya buv b_lya operating table. Khvilin was looping for 10 minutes along the labyrinth of the Institute. Everywhere is sterile cleanliness, as if the silence is terrible ... At the office of us there is the same friend. I got to know him live. The season's tse bula zovsim іnsha lyudin. Win opening my notebook and soaring maluvati. Heart ...

About the laser revascularization of the myocardium, coronary artery bypass ... Mala is right! For two nights, vivchit styles of literature about myocardium!))) We made friends. A sister came to the operative:

- We do not know, but the operation is trivial. Nemovlyaty seriozno heart disease. The price is not transferred. Check, mi damo nobility.

Pomichnik zhvavo zreaguvav:

- Would you like to wonder, what is the operation? Aren't you afraid of blood?

- I want so.

We went into the operation, the doors were made behind us. I looked around. Mayzhe Napivtemryava. Lamps viprominuvali cold marmor light. Above the table, a 6-8 lude was crawling. I did not immediately recognize Bokeriya. On the eyes of a new bully surgical loupes. Heart dumb! yakomoga look yogo? How can I help youmu? Tisha. Only monotonously they heard the sounds of a medical device. But nevertheless, the tremulousness came through. Before me, the assistant and whispers:

- Pidemo, agree with the hands of the lykar. I on the heart of a baby.

Khilinu I stood yak dug. Ale went.

Do not convey it in words. Chi does not agree.

Niyakikh rizkikh rukhiv. Calmly, quietly. Ditina on a piece dichanna. Yogo is dumb. Inclusion in the light. І only VIN zdatniy know yogo "resurrect". Neymovirni vidchuttya. In his hands the life of the little people. Heart z nigtik. And bach yogo naskr_z. I make invisible threads. I stood fascinated ...

We knew a little bit of frames and viyshli ...

I didn’t invest in my head. And even 5-7 operations a day! "Includes" human hearts.

We were checked for impatience if they showed up. Khvilin in 40 wines viyshov.

Nicholas I didn’t have such big, wise and changeable eyes. Win smiled. M'yako, with my heart. The first time the parish became light. You see the divine trepidation in front of the tsієyu people. I would like to hear and hear yogo, miluvatisya. I don't interrupt.

Winning on our power supply is even more awkward and smarter, cheating.

- How can you give yourself a trim in form in such a way and carry out 5 operations a day?, - the colleague asked.

- I don’t p'yu, I don’t smoke, I don’t live in great kavi. Easy snіdanok from the wound. The squad call the sire to rob. It’s even more abundant on the day of khozhu pishki - godinu-pivtori.

Along with our newsletter, I wrote an article on the Internet, de Bokerya opened the tabernacle:

- “... the fate of my early childhood fell on the Great Vitchiznyana Vіyna. I saw a little housekeeper: my mother did not want me to be a folk. Before my people, she already had two daughters. My older sister said, but my mother, having learned about the vagina, all the way she got mad about her. I saw a girky tsibulny tincture, a strip from the descent. My sister was laughing: "The axis is clever." For the time being, it’s an important hour, and I kiss my mother’s breasts until five rockies. It was trivial until a quiet feast, as long as my sister didn’t say: “Hear, see you all busy. It's a mess, the guy's height. " I smeared my chest with hirchitse. The titty later told me that I had arrived at football, snatchly stretching to my mother's sweatshirt, having tasted it and ... becoming a spit. I’m not a bigger mom. "

The axis is like this. Gen_y Mіg I do not come to light. Ale God has ordered himself into an order.

We have written an interview and I am familiar with some of the operations. After a few days, Leo Bokeriya joined us in the program, arrived to register at Mosfilm. Zybralosa is a lot of yogo pupils. I couldn’t take the transmission. Ale yak razpovili editors, for the zyomok became a jakhlivy vipadok.

They stood at the same time razmovyali, well, there was jarring ... In a three-tone voice like Bokeriya: "Do you remember all your children?" Toy: "In disguise - yes .." Bokeriya: "Hi .. and what?" “The nickname is this .. my child .. they robbed you of the operation, remember? Vin is dead. I would like to marvel at you in the eyes .. yom 4 days bulo. "

... I will never forget Yogo and Yogo eyes.

From the time of history goosebumps do ... Now the axis is so ??? Adzhe vin having destroyed everything, wow zmіg ... Tse the most frightful, as it is possible to feel ... the axis is so - eyes in the eyes ... "Yomu 4 days bulo ..."

banner Enity Radianskiy and Russian Likar-Cardiohirurg, Vinakhidnik, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAMS, Head Cardiohirurg of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Leo Bokeriya in the Interview, turning over the announcement about the traditional works. Behind the words of the lykar, it became clear about the mode of eating - pardon.

Axis, scho vin saying:

“The dream itself is absolutely looming, relying on the respect for the new dream.

To that, you have propelled, the organism of an initiative comes to the working camp, you sit for the steel, give a taril of meat, flour, wash it down with a great bottle of chogos

... Then get dressed, go to the robot - and then what kind of teacher is there for you? Purely physiological.

For a long time ago, since I had lost my heart to the American-American spіvpratsya, I brutalized respect, so great, even worse, the stench of lies, in a short vipad, sipped a small cup of kawi.

All! Opіvdnі - tse those, what they call lunch - tse yakiy sandwich. And in the evenings it's okay to come home, it's okay, then go to the pool, swim, read there ...

To that, sdanok - see grief, in general - have a snack, in the evening (or not too much in the evening) - normally spivaysh, and then - physical culture. Behind my warnings, in the lands, people do not live, - the stench to live like this "

The version of the home Russian doctor is approved and left by the late Devid Levitsky from the Cornell University. Having stood up, as long as you do not want to use the whale for a long time, you can quickly throw off the whale. Having confirmed his theory by experiment, by means of what kind of bulo, he should set up a party for a day.

Half of the participants in the experiment drank on a regular basis, the other group didn’t take pictures.

The group, skipping snidanoks, wanted more and more strongly, ale yak z'yasuvalosya, їkh obsyag їzhі for the day not getting better and until the end of the day becoming 408 calories less, less in the first group of participants.

On the thought of a drinker, such a strategy of food, unaffected by hunger, it’s not calling for a bastard for longer than a day and, apparently, I don’t know about taking away calories. Irregular views can be viewed as one control system for the car.

“I’m thinking that I’m going to supervise those people who don’t think about those people who are important for the control of women, but don’t think about them.

Naturally, healthy people are all about everything. Since people are diabetic or have hypoglycemia, they need to have some children to get rid of glucose, ”Levitsky said.

Along with the glances of the Russian surgeon and the ancient wicked expert of the All-round organization of health protection, who, having moved the bags of the most recent ones, play the whole light:

As a lyudin, as it has not been a lie before, has started a dream, then it will normalize and will gradually learn.

It is a good idea of ​​starting the correct metabolic processes, accelerating the exchange of words.

So, a superficially fatty snidanok can be seen on the sides. Ale normal in calorific value and low for a lot - nikoli.

The first axis will delight the children, well, it’s not so bad!


A savory, altogether unhealthy product, in fact, it is guilty of being in the first place - myasa, Zate in an excess of shkidlivy warehouses. For example, such as nіtrіn kalіyu - a preservative, scho wiklikє cancer stravohodu. The first result is straightforward from such napovnyuvachіv cowbassi.

Kashi shvidkogo prygotuvannya

In order to speed up the preparation for an hour, porridge goes through a special processing, as a result of which the carbohydrates are converted into starch, which is quickly absorbed by the body. For polishhennya relish, seasonings are added in significant quantities of zukor. To that - a quicker dessert, not a good brown snack.

Shvidkі snіdanki

There are a lot of sophisticated "pilgrims", which are accepted by the way of extrusion - the change of young products into one single mass, then poured onto bags of singing size. Tudi obov'yazkovo enter: borosno, oil, zukor, starch. The value of such a product is alive and well.

dried fruits

All of us love the dried fruit of the industrial bread, to be sprinkled with sour acid and meadow. Plus, soak the stench in the sugar syrup before that. What can be cinnamon in such a product? Shvidshe for all shkidliviy, nіzh brown pass.


Similarly to the so-called "shvidkie" snidankas. Muesli undergo a special processing, as a result of which a change in grain is produced, and most often it is overtrained in carbohydrates and converted into a rich sugar,


The tsikh sirkahs are rich in color, ale less naymen less than the same sir. You can find zukor, fat, preservatives, synthesized aromatics. I know not to be considered a healthy snack. Mozhlivo, tse dessert.

packets of juices

Between the fresh juice and the packaged juice, there is a great growth. Svizhovichaleniya sik "live" not more than 15 min.

There are packs of sugar cakes and preservatives, there is no fruit pulp, and that, which is taken for pulp, is є the cake of red beets or pectin. Remember, it’s the most great experience to produce fat to fat. You will want to write such a good news.

Bananas and fruits

If we are talking about the cornsity of fruits, then in the first place there is a lot of fruit, grown in a perfect area. Fruits across the ocean (bananas and іn.) Pass a special gas treatment and a great chemistry for tricky gasoline, transport and dosage.

melted syrks

Whether it’s like a dodatkova heat treatment є I’ll be happy, especially the siren is especially priced. Pislya melting stench will consume its valuable quality, simply being transformed into a mass of fat. In addition, for the preparation of such sirens, a sire is taken, which cannot be sold with a piece of shrimp, to enter.